June 1892

Liverpool Daily Post - Wednesday 01 June 1892
The numerous handsome prizes to be awarded to successful competitors in the athletic sports of the Everton Football Club on Whit Monday are now on view in the windows of Messrs Durandu, corner of Parker-street and Church-street, and will doubtless be an attractive and stimulating sight to intending contestants.

Athletic News - Monday 06 June 1892
By The Loiterer
I have not been out to Goodison-road since operations were commenced, but a friend of mine tells me quite a transformation has been affected in this “howling wilderness,” and that the enclosure looks very well.  Notts Forest are down for the first match on September 3rd, but the executive are endeavoring to get Queen’s Park to open the ground.  The announcement that Hannah, the old Everton captain, has signed for the Liverpool Club has not created much surprise and no excitement.  Seeing he was selected for one of the International matches he must wear well, but I like promising youngsters to good old “have no doubt he will render good service to the club as captain, and I should think her he should show us against the mettle he will have so face in most of the Lancashire League clubs.  The Everton “man catcher” is a novice at the game, but he has made a fair start.  Still, in the present unsettled state of the Scotch market, it is unwise to engage players for there are three months for those frisky young men to gambol in Scotland, and they might easily upset calculations by playing in the meantime.  Everton are also going in for local talent, and, if not actually settled, I believe Trainor, of the Pupil Teachers, will keep goal for them, I have heard good accounts of this player’s abilities as a goalkeeper. 

June 6, 1892 Birmingham Daily Post
Andrew Hannah, the famous Renton back, who played for Everton two years ago, has been engaged by the new Liverpool club for next season. Hannah will act as captain, and his power of developing players is so well known that the Liverpool club are fortunate in having secured the man who did so much towards improving the all-round play of the Everton team.

Edinburgh Evening News - Thursday 09 June 1892
Andrew Hannah, the famous Renton back, who played for Everton two years ago, has been engaged by the new Liverpool Club for next season. Hannah will act as captain, and his power of developing players is so well known that the Liverpool Club are fortunate in having secured the man who did so much towards improving the all-round play of the Everton team.

Liverpool Daily Post - Friday 10 June 1892
Satisfactory progress has been made with the laying out of the new ground of the Everton Club at Goodison-road during the past few weeks. The turfing of the playing portion has been completed, and is as true almost as a billiard table. Mr. Kelly has been given the contract to build the stands, &c., and also to “bank-up” the sides, and when this is finished, which will be about the end of July, excellent accommodation will be afforded for 40,000 spectators. The ground will probably be opened with an athletic meeting for professionals. 

Glasgow Evening Post - Friday 10 June 1892
The Everton F.C officials believe in doing things on a big scale, and have apparently great faith in the success of their club. I observe that they have given out the contract for the erection at their new grounds at Goodison Road, Liverpool, of grand stands capable of accommodating no fewer than 40,000 persons. At least, so says a Manchester paper this morning, but one may be excused if he looks on the statement as a pretty tall order.

Liverpool Mercury - Friday 10 June 1892
Under this title, a limited liability company has been formed for the purpose of taking over the grounds known as Woodcroft Park, now occupied by the Liverpool Caledonian Association Football Club. This club, it will be remembered, has been so successful during its first season that, besides being in the semi-final in the Liverpool Senior Cup Competition, it won the Liverpool Challenge Shield, and gained admission to the Lancashire League. The grounds are in an excellent position, close to Wavertree Station, and are easily reached; and while suitable for football and cricket, the fats cinder-track of a quarter of a mile fits them for cycling and athletic purposes. The covered grand stand holds 1000 persons, and the uncovered grand stand 2000, while altogether 30,000 spectators can be accommodated. The capital of the company will be £5000, in 500 preference shares and 500 ordinary shares of £5 each. Mr. Thomas T. Wainwright (chairman of the Toxteth Local Board) is chairman of the board of directors, the other members being Mr. Robert Kirkland, Dr. Roberts G. Roberts, Mr. W. Watson Rutherford, and Dr. David Smart. The registered offices of the company are at 20, South John-street.

Liverpool Daily Post - Saturday 11 June 1892
We were informed last evening that the committee of the Everton club had arranged terms with McKeown, late left full back of the Blackburn Rovers’ team, to play for them next season. As it was known that McKeown was desirous of leaving Blackburn, the Celtic officials invited him to return to Scotland, but, probably not caring to undergo the “whitewashing” process, he preferred to remain this side of the border, and will strengthen a weak point which considerably troubled the Evertonians last season.

Evening Herald (Dublin) - Saturday 11 June 1892
Anyone looking into the pavilion at the Stanley ground, Liverpool, where the famous Everton F.C were holding the annual athletics and cycling carnival on Whit Monday, could easily imagine that it was a corner in Ballsbridge, for no less than seventeen Dublin cyclists and athletes were preparing for the fray.

Cricket and Football Field - Saturday 11 June 1892
By Richard Samuel
I may say that the Goodison-rd site is well advanced, and stands &c., capable of holding 30,000 people will be up by the end of July.  The Stand accommodation at Goodison-rd will not be so extensive as supposed, as the committee are relying upon the quite as good methods of banking up with cinders.  The covered stand will hold 3,000 and will be erected on a similar description to the Blackburn Rovers’ stand at Ewood.  Seven thousand will be able to see the game from behind each goal, and 10,000 on the Goodison-road side of the ground.  The prices will be on the popular side, the nimble sixpenny gaining admission on three sides of the ground. 

Cricket and Football Field - Saturday 11 June 1892
By Richard Samuel
I may say that the Goodison-rd site is well advanced, and stands etc. capable of holding 30,000 people, will be up by the end of July.  The stand accommodation at Goodison-rd will not be so extensive as supposed, as the committee are relying upon the quite as good methods of banking up with cinders.  The covered stand will hold 3,000 and will be erected on a similar description to the Blackburn Rovers stand at Ewood.  Seven thousand will be able to see the game from behind each goal, and 10,000 on the Goodison-rd side of the ground.  The prices will be on the popular side, the nimble sixpence gaining admission to three sides of the ground. 

June 13, 1892. Field Sports
When the Everton Football Club decided to remove to Goodison-road many people anticipated that the ground would never be made ready for football by the 1 st of September, but the Executive Committee have thrown such an amount of energy into their work, and have moreover been backed up so well financially that all doubt on that score may now e set at rest. So far as the condition of the ground itself is concerned everything will be perfectly ready for the opening game on the first day of the season, and what is equally important from a pecuniary standpoint ample accommodation will by that time have been provided for the spectators. A day or two ago Mr. Richard Kelly entered into a contract to erect stands capable of accommodating 40,000 spectators, and one of the stipulations of his contract is that it shall be completed by the 31 st of July. The one thing needful to ensure the success of the club in its new quarters is a few striking victories at the outset of the game.

Athletic News - Monday 13 June 1892
A success, as pronounced as it was thoroughly deserved, was the outcome of the labours of the Everton F.C executive on the occasion of their first annual athletic sports, decided at the Liverpool Athletic grounds on Whit-Monday. Glorious weather favoured the meeting, and though a good attendance was confidently anticipated the “gate” exceeded the most favourable estimate. For a long time the turnstiles were literally besieged, and the check-takers had little rest until something like ten thousand spectators lined the enclosure. Indeed, so great was the crush, that the barrier at one time gave way, and the spectators encroached on the track, but matters were speedily put to rights, and little delay was occasioned. A programme of more than ordinary interest was issued, whilst the entry was not only fairly numerous, but of much better class than is usually associated with any one Bank holiday fixture. A strong contingent of Irishmen came over from Dublin to compete, whilst the presence of Sonny Morton in the distance events created much additional interest.

Preston Herald - Wednesday 15 June 1892
Evidently all is not well with Everton, if the following, which I take from Field Sports, is to be relied upon;- "The difficulties between the Everton club and their players still continue.  The latest trouble is with Fred Geary, who was brought before the committee the other evening, and requested to give up the management of the public-house that he now holds, on the ground that such occupation was prejudicial to his future play.  Geary point blank refused to do anything of the kind.  He stated that when he signed an understanding was come to that he should have a position in Mr. Houlding's employ.  For some time he served in a junior capacity, and when a vacancy occurred he was given the management of his present house, and on the strength of the promise made he had got married, and was very comfortable...The committee, finding Geary immovable asked him if he would take employment in another public-house.  This Geary also refused...He added that if the committee were agreeable he was quite prepared to sever his connection with the club, and take his papers back and put an end to the present trouble.  Serious complications still exist with regard to Holt and Chadwick, who openly assert their determination not to wear the Everton jersey next season.  The question whether they are bound by their original agreements will be settled by the English Association at its next meeting."  It is easily seen that these complications have their root in the rupture which has taken place at Anfield.  I should not imagine that the assistance of unwilling service would be of much benefit to Everton. 

Liverpool Mercury - Thursday 16 June 1892
On Tuesday, a meeting of the committee of the hospital was held in the Board Room, Stanley road, the Rev. Canon Major Lester in the chair. There were also present Dr. D. Dunlop Costine, J.P., Dr. Whitford, Dr. Larkin, Messrs O. Rathbone, Thomas McCracken, E. Walker, C.C. J.E. Bennett (hon. secretary) and Mr. Shawfield (secretary). Amongst the many charitable friends of the hospital, are the members of the Everton Football Club, who so generously had a special match for the benefit of the charity, the result being that £180 has been handed over to the hon. treasurer (Mr. Barr). Mr. H. Heard and Mr. William Houlding, as secretary and treasurer of the football benefit, were, on the proposition of Mr. J.E. Bennett, second by Mr. Thomas McCracken, unanimously elected life governors of the institution.
The adjourned general meeting of the members of this club will be held on Tuesday evening next, in the Bootle Town hall. It will be followed by a public meeting to be held half an hour later, when a provisional prospectus of the proposed company will be produced. From the official report, it appears that the receipts for the season 1891-92 amounted to £2023 15s., including loans. The balance in hand is £10 19s 6d.

Rutherglen Reformer - Friday 17 June 1892
For the Everton Club (of which Collins, a late Cambuslang back, is a member) it is said Smith and B. Coyle (backs) and Jamieson (half) have signed to play.
Further it is asserted that Love, the Cambuslang old trainer, is to have charge of the Everton team. There may be less in this rumour in the end than is now feared; but one thing is certain-the country is teeming with agents, and one recently slept under a roof not far from our publishing office.

Lancashire Evening Post - Saturday 18 June 1892
Yesterday, the officials of the Everton Football Club Company, Limited, received from the Register of Joint Stock Companies the certificate of incorporation, in the following terms;- "I hereby certify that the Everton Football Club Company, Limited, is this day incorporated under the Companies Acts, 1862-90, and that the company is Limited."  This certificate, which is dated June 14th, 1892, will enable the directors to go to allotment on Monday next.  

Cricket and Football Field - Saturday 18 June 1892
By Richard Samuel
Everton are still in need of men, attention being directed to the capture of another back and half-back.  The progress at the new ground is great and a contract has just been entered into with Mr. Kelly for the erection of stands.  When complete, accommodation will be provided for 40,000 spectators so that the English Council should be induced without much difficulty to give an international or semi-final cup tie.  If so, the Council may rely upon enthusiastic patronage on the part of the Liverpool public.  It is announced that Alec Latta was married last week, and that the Everton Club, as a recognition of their respected outside right-winger a present of 20 pounds. 

Cricket and Football Field - Saturday 18 June 1892
By Richard Samuel
Everton will be the same old popular Everton it ever has been, though they have been driven to pitch their tent on another, if more capacious, plain.  Speaking of Everton, general satisfaction is felt at the announcement that McKeown of the Rovers, has been secured as a full back, a department never confidently manned since the deflection of Doyle and the leave-taking of Hannah.  It is to be hoped the statement will be confirmed next September.  Everton are still in need of men, attention being directed to the capture of another back and half-back.  The progress at the new ground is great, and a contract has just been entered into with Mr. Kelly for the erection of stands.  When complete, accommodation will be provided for 40,000 spectators, so that the English Council should be induced without much difficulty to give an international or semi-final cup tie.  If so, the council may reply upon enthusiastic patronage on the part of the Liverpool public.  It is announced that Alex Latta was married last week and that the Everton Club as a recognition of their esteem and good wishes, made the popular and respected outside right winger a present of 20 pounds. 

Cricket & Football Fields

Liverpool Daily Post - Saturday 18 June 1892
Yesterday the of the Everton Football Club Company, Limited, received from the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies the certificate of incorporation, in the following terms’- “I hereby that the Everton Football Club Company, Limited, is this day incorporated under the Companies Acts, 1862-90, and that the company is limited.” This certificate which is dated Jane 14, 1892, will enable the directors to go to allotment on Monday next, so that applications for shares should be made at once.

June 20 1892 Liverpool Mercury
Everton followers will note these achievements of their goalkeeper with pleasure, when he played at Sefton Park, between Sefton extra eleven and Mersey in a cricket match. Richard had 76 runs to his credit. It is reported that Bell, the famous Dumbarton left winger, has been engaged to play with the Everton club at Goodison next season.

Glasgow Evening Post - Monday 20 June 1892
The cry is still they go. McKeown, the old Celtic back, who was expected to play for the Clyde this season, it is stated, has promised to throw his lot with the Everton. The terms are said to be good, and a tobacconist’s business is thrown into the bargain. Cambuslang are still sufferers. Besides the loss they have already sustained, Ross, their clever custodian, is said to have accepted the terms offered him by the new Liverpool organisation. This will make at least the fourth player drawn out of the Cambuslang district for next season.

Liverpool Daily Post - Tuesday 21 June 1892
(From the Investors’ Guardian.)
This company registered on the 14th ins., with a capital of £2,500, in £1 shares, to acquire and carry on the business of the Everton Football Club, and to acquire a lease of the Mere Green Field, Walton-on-the-Hill. The regulations of tables. A mainly apply. Registered by Mr. T.T. Hull, 22, Chancery-lane, W.C.

Preston Herald - Wednesday 29 June 1892
Mr. Barclay, late Everton, but now the hon. sec, of the new Liverpool Club, takes the unusual plan of informing the friends and supporters of the new club, through the columns of the newspapers, what its prospects are for the coming season. The following extracts will no doubt be interesting;-
We have joined the Lancashire League, and have thus provided a very interesting series of fixtures for our first team. We regret that we could not see our way to make application to enter the second division of the League, as we felt, after very careful deliberation, that the gates would be no better than the gates drawn with Lancashire clubs, whilst the travelling expenses would have been very high. We hope to meet some of the League clubs during the season, and already engagements have been made with some of the leading Scottish clubs for odd dates. Cup-ties-English, Lancashire and Liverpool-will fill up vacant spots, and altogether I think the “bill of fare” at Anfield will not disgrace the past.  As to players, the following have signed;- A. Hannah (Renton), back; Sydney Ross goal, Scottish league v Scottish Alliance; half-backs, Kelso, Cameron, and McBride (Renton), and Rogers (Liverpool); forwards Smith (Sunderland), Wyllie (Everton), Miller (Dumbarton), Kelvin (Kilmarnock), and one or two men of less repute. In addition we shall have at least four of the best players in Scotland, with whom we are now negotiating. Our supporters may rely on it that we shall take the field with men who can and will play football, and good exhibitions of the dribbling code will be seen at Anfield. Altogether our prospects are very bright and I anticipate a very satisfactory season on the old ground. Although we are the Liverpool club, all the old playing members of the old Everton, to whom Evertonians are much indebted for promoting the game in our midst, have been elected hon. life members.