May 1892

May 2, 1892
The Liverpool Mercury
This match,, the last of the season was played on the Everton ground on Saturday, in the presence of about 5,000 spectators. The visitors are a good al;-round team, and have made during the past season some clever preformances. They have also won the Staffordshire Cup. The following were the teams. Everton:- Jardine, goals, McLean, and Kent, backs, Kelso, Jones, and Robertson, half-backs, Latta, Geary (captain), Maxwell, Whittaker, and Chadwick, forwards, Burton Swifts-Hadley, goal, Furness, and Berry, backs, Hoose, West, and Sutherland, half-backs, Perry, Emery, Worrall, McBeth, and May, forwards. Maxwell started for Everton against the sun and wind, and early on Chadwick gained a corner From Berry. From the side kick the visitors showed up well, and put in some clever passing, which the result that Jardine was twice called on to clear from perry and Worrell. Then Everton had a turn the whole line of forwards dashing along in capital style. Latta had the goal as his mercy, but his final went yards wide. So far the game had been very even, the Swifts having quite as much of the play as their opponents. Latta again tried to get though with a shot which skimmed the croossbar. Jardine was now subjected to an exceedingly warm attack and it was really marvellous how he managed to keep his charge intact. Good back play by Kent sent the home men to the fore, and a trio of fine shots by Geary, Maxwell, and Latta all but took effect, and Maxwell had a clear opening, but Hadley picked Cleverly up and threw away. Returning to the Burton goal Everton tried many times to effect an entrance, but wide shooting prevailed. The Swifts showed sterling taxctics and Worrall receiving a pass from May, a scrimmage ensued in the Evertonians goalmouth, and Kent in endeavouring to clear accidentally put through his own goal, thus scoring the first point for Burton just on the call of the interval. On restarting Geary went in the centre, Maxwell partnering Latta on the right wing. Everton were qucikly away on the right, but hands against Maxwell pulled them up, Latta and Maxwell both sent over the crossbar,, after which the vistors rushed along in the centre and sailing through the home defence. Jardine was given no chance whatever with a shot which went in at the corner of the goal mouth from Perry. With this second reverse the Anfield men put much more determination into their play, which quickly brought the desired result Whitaker lobbing the leather close in the goal mouth and the Everton front division scrimmaging it though into goal. Play for a considerable time was played in the Burton quarters. A sterling bit of combinationby by the Swifts placed them still further ahead, as Perry beat Jardine.. within a 20 minutes to play the Everton men put in all they knew, Latta, Maxwell, Geary and Chadwick showing some grand pla. From a accurate and timely pass by Maxwell, Latta dashed along on the line, and steadying himself shot in with deadly precision which brough about the second goal for Everton. Kelso fastened on the ball, and driving well forward, Chadwick gave to Geary, who in turn beat Hadley with a beauty. Everton kept up the pressure till the finish, but no further scoring was done a capital game thus ending in a draw of 3 goals each.

May 2, 1892
AT Wrexham Pinnell kicked off. Wrexham in the first half pressed frequently but Williams played well, and at the interval neither side had scored. In the second half, Wrexham held the upper hand, and Lea and Prichard scored. Result Wrexham 2 goals, Everton nil.
Played 22, won 17, lost 3,, draw 2 for 99, against 20 points 36

Athletic News - Monday 02 May 1892
By The Loiterer
The new club at Everton has been affiliated as Liverpool.  Both the old and the new clubs were represented at the F.A meeting, and the argument was of a somewhat lengthy character.  Everton did not object to the affiliation of the new body if the latter would pay for the stands; but although the general feeling of the Council was that they had nothing to do with the Council was that they had nothing to do with the property of the landlord, Mr. Houlding’s son offered the sum of 250 pounds, and this was accepted.  Morally, Everton are entitled to a fair amount for the stands, but that, in my opinion, would not have affected the affiliation, although there is no doubt it was the best thing to do, and I for one am heartily glad the dispute has ended in such an amicable manner, for football and law courts ought to be quite foreign to each other. 
The last week of the football season has been exceptionally busy, important matches having been played every evening.  The programme started with a match at Everton on Monday against Sunderland, and this attracted quite a respectable crowd.  Unlike most matches at the fag end of the season, both teams were representative, and a fast and even game resulted.  At one time it looked as if the Everton men were going to redeem themselves somewhat, for before Sunderland started scoring at all, the homsters had notched three goals.  Then it was that the northerners put their best leg forward, and playing both a scientific and resolute game, they ultimately won by four goals to three.  It was a splendid finish, and only shows what can be done when men are in earnest.  The Sunderland men were scarcely ever guilty of being dilatory, but followed up and took advantage of any mistake that was made, which I admit was few, yet the last goal was obtained through an error on the part of Collins and Jardine running out, D. Hannah easily scoring. 
The final of the Liverpool Cup was the bill of fare provided on Tuesday, Everton and Southport Central fighting for possession on the Bootle ground.  The Combination team, strengthened by the inclusion of Kelso, Geary, and Robertson, had the matter in hand for Everton, and it is just as well that Kelso and Robertson were included, or I venture to think the Central would have won.  On the whole Everton had most of the play, but the Sandgrounders played a more business like game, and might easily have won.  Many are of the opinion that a draw was the correct result, but Mr. Norris’s verdict was a win for Everton by two goals to one. 

Lancashire Evening Post - Wednesday 04 May 1892
It is currently reported that bell, the famous Dumbarton left-winger, has been engaged to play with the Everton club at Goodison road next season. 

Scottish Referee - Friday 06 May 1892
“Riddle” McLean has return from Everton and whether he goes back to that organisation or not depends upon the state of business in the Vale of Leven.
The players seem to care very little for the life of a pro., and a good situation would keep any one of them in Scotland. It will be a great pity if any of the Renton lads have to return to England because of the want of employment. It is to be hoped that this rumour is not true, for the loss of such good men throws a team into much disorder; besides one would have thought that these players have had quite enough experience of the land of the pro, without going back again.

Fleetwood Chronicle - Friday 06 May 1892
There is some talk of Johnny Holt, the Everton crack centre-half, returning to the haunts of his boyhood, and playing for Blackpool.

Cricket and Football Field - Saturday 07 May 1892
Beyond rumours there is nothing special to chronicle in connection with next season’s prospects.  The Everton club have signed all the men they want of last season’s team, and are in treaty with severely prominent men from outside.  It is no secret that the team has not given satisfaction this last season.  At times their form has been bad to reckon up, and I can only account for it on the ground that the committee have not been in that position to treat with them as they otherwise would have done.  There will be no passengers next season, or if there are any they will not be so expensive as several I could mention.  The Goodison-rd ground is in the rough but the contractors are pushing on with the work and in a couple of months the playing portion will be all right.   

Cricket and Football Field - Saturday 07 May 1892
By “Mickey Free”
Sure enough, Mr. Editor, not only the last match of the season, but the last match, except when they meet Liverpool, on to ground where Everton have become famous. It's no use crying over spilt milk, therefore it is but waste of time indulging in vain regrets. From various causes to wind-up of the present season has not been anything like so successful as that of the preceding one either in wins or goal avenge, viz., last season, to say nothing of the League championship, our goal average read 191 for, and only 74 against; this season, 137 goals for, and 100 against.  Saturday's match was productive of a couple of surprises. The first was that we found Burton Swifts a much better team than was expected, and the second that Everton could fight an uphill game when they settled themselves to the task. Two goals to wipe off, and only ten minutes or so to play, was more than could, on post experience, be expected. Well, whether the men got riled, or what is more likely still, that they were stirred up by the taunts of the spectators, which were hot and spicy, the forwards set about the job and made it a draw, and a good job, too, as had they lost we might have had a scene, for to temper to the spectators was none of the best, and possibly there would have been a demonstration which the men would not have relished. There were a couple of old acquaintances in the visitors' team in the persons of Worrall and McBeth, The latter played an excellent game and captained the forwards like a good general, whether he holds that position or not. In any case, the other men took his advice and acted on it promptly, and to display in consequence made it clear that their victory over Aston Villa was no fluke. True, Everton had not their full strength, Kent partnering McLean, and little Whittaker sailed alongside Chadwick, vice Milward, who got hurt in that farcical, misnamed League versus Combination. Whittaker was so slow that Chadwick's efforts were nullified. Kent gave the opposing side one goal, otherwise he did very well, especially as he has been on the shelf during a great part of the season with a broken arm. Perry made one sensational run, finishing with a fine goal, and this occurred after Everton had ten minutes' bombarding at the Swifts ‘goal. The last ten minutes of the match was the only period at which Everton did themselves justice, and had Milward been in his place we would have won. Perry's back play was very good. The halves were very fair, but not so good as the forwards, who were quick on the ball, and passed and shot well. I shall now say farewell, hoping that the cricketers and wheelmen will have a better time than last year, although the outlook is anything but promising. 

Cricket and Football Field - Saturday 07 May 1892

  • The Everton Club have kindly sent Joe Marsden his papers.  He will be a fool if he accepts them.
  • Hush! Silence!? The great Doyle will appear at Goodison-rd.  But “One never knows.”
  • We have it here that Alf Shelton will captain the Liverpool lot, and that Everton have secured Bell, of Dumbarton.
  • Everton signed Marsden for two years.  Can they force him to go now? Spend six and eight on advice, Joe. 

May 7, 1892. Wrexham Advertiser
Played on Wrexham Racecourse, on Saturday, in fine weather, before a fair number of spectators. Everton kicked off, Williams had to save twice. Bradshaw and Murray got down but the ball was sent behind. Lewis did some good work, but the leather went wide. A corner for Wrexham was well placed and cleared. Stokes stopped Bradshaw and Murray. Wrexham were getting dangerous when hands stopped them. Pritchard shot over the bar. Everton came away, Stokes saving. Play was slow for some time. Williams saved well. Kirkwood was hurt, and the game was stopped for a short time. A free kick fell to Everton, and the ball was taken towards the home goal. Lewis returned, and Lea centring, J. Turner headed outside. Hands against Wrexham was soon returned, and Wrexham had nearly all the play, but could not score. Williams saved a good shot from Lewis directlty afterwards. Lewis sent in. Williams gave a corner in defence, and this came to nothing. The Wrexham forwards passed well, Lea finally shooting over. Everton at length came away, but Ellis robbed Pinnel. Williams had to run out to save, and then he hit one out from Lewis. Wilding shot over. A corner for Wrexham was sent behind. The Everton defence was perfect, and could not be broken through. Wharmby cleared a shot from Evan Williams, but the ball was returned and Lea just shot wide. Wrexham were granted a corner, and a free kick for hands followed, Chadwick clearing. Pinnell was getting away but handled. From the free kick Turner secured and shot over. Wilding was the next to have a try, and he also shot over. At half-time nothing had been scored. On changing ends play was even for a time, both goals being visited. Free kicks for hands fell to each. Lewis and Lea came away, and the latter centred, Pritchard shooting wide. B. Lewis worked hard, and got into a good position, but shot wide. Some most exciting play followed in front of the visitors goal, and the ball finally came across to Lea, who promptly shot through the first goal for Wrexham amidst much excitement. Wrexham still had all the play. Hands for them was followed by a corner, which was cleared. Lea put in a fine centre, Wilding shooting just outside. At the other end Jones had to save a long shot from Murray. Wrexham were on again in front of the Everton goal, B. Lewis kicking over. Directly afterwards J. Turner shot through, but the whistle had previously gone for some irregularity. However, not long afterwards, B. Lewis made a fine run and centred. Pritchard at once sent through the second point for the home team. Lea and Lewis on the left were very prominent. Wharmby gave a corner, which came to nothing, and in saving a long shot from Wilding Williams was forced to give another. This was also got away. J. Turner was cheered for a fine run, From a centre by Stokes, Pritchard had a fine opening, but Williams saved splendidly. Nothing else was scored, and the final result was –Wrexham, two goals; Everton, nil. The following were the teams; -Wrexham; Jones, goal; Roberts and Ellis, backs; Williams, E. Samuels, and Stokes, half-backs; Pritchard, Turner, Wilding, Lewis, and Lea, forwards. Everton; Williams, goal; Chadwick and Wharmby, backs; Kirkwood, Margsrison, and McGhagey, half-backs; Bradshaw, Murray, Pinnell, McMillian, and Elliott, forwards. Referee, Mr. T.E. Thomas, Chirk.

Edinburgh Evening News - Monday 09 May 1892
It has been unanimously decided by the members of the Liverpool Football Club to constitute
the club a limited liability company. Smith (of Sunderland), Wyllie (of Everton) and Clifford (of Stoke) are among the players who are engaged.

May 14, 1892. The Liverpool Mercury
The balance-sheet to be submitted to the members of the Everton Football Club on Tuesday next shows a balance of £875 2s, 1d, in hand. The balance carried forward from last year was £1792. During the expired season the gate receipts amounted to £5747, and receipts from matches played away £502. The expenditure amounted to £7749, of which sum £4038 went in payment of players' wages. Advertising cost £83, travelling expenses amounted to £843, clothing and materials to £127, insurance of players £67, and legal expenses £9. Appended to the balance sheet is the following;- In addition to the above the following amounts are still due to the club; Doyle £69; amount due from other clubs, £27 10s; amount due from Lancashire Association, £63 10s 8d; amount due from Mr. John Hounding, £310; proportion of wages advanced to players £200. Due to Mr. John Houlding for rent, £125.

May 18, 1892. The Liverpool Mercury
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the members of the Everton Football Club was held last evening in the Presbvterian School-Royal-street, Everton valley. Mr. Mahon presiding. There was a large attendance of members –The minutes for the previous meetings having been read and confirmed, the Secretary (Mr. Molyneux, in addressing the meeting, and it was a matter I deep regret that the club had not been so successful during the past season as the season before that. They must bear in mind that the previous season the club was at the top of the tree and when such a position was attained the only stay there or get lower down. He though however, the team had not been so unsuccessful as would appear altogether at the first glance at the results, when they bore in mind the number of accidents they had during the season, especially with the first team. He went on to point out the details the adverse circumstances which had led to their defeats on various occasions. At all events they might congratulate themselves upon the fact that the Combination team had done excellently. (Applause) –The balance –sheets, the details of which have already appeared in the Mercury, showed a credit balance of £877 2s, which, including the sum of £545 os, 9d, make a total of £1420 2.s 9d –the Chairman, in moving the adoption of the balance sheet said that they had a most eventful season, and one which he hoped would not occur again during the life history of the Everton Football Club. (Hear, Hear). During the last six months changes of an alarming character had been made, and yet they livened through it all. He next went through the various phases of the club's history during the past season, and their action in relation to Mr. Houlding and the various negotiations which they had with him, which, he said, any reasonable men should have accepted. (Hear, hear). All the threats of liabilities which were made to members of the club had only resulted in 35 resignations out of a total membership of 480 or 490. (Applause). –The motion having been seconded, various questions were asked as to the accounts and answered by the chairman, after which it was unanimously carried. –The Chairman then moved that the committee be instructed as the express moment to proceed with he formation of this club into a Limited liability company on the reset forth in a circular distributed amongst members in which it was proposed that they members, in which it was proposed that there should be 2500 ordinary shares at £1 and 100 £10 mortgage debenture bonds. Ordinary shares payable 2s 6d, on application, 2s 6d on allotment and 2s 6d, on 1 August, September, October and November leaving 5s per share to be called as directors may determine. An amendment was proposed, and after much discussion, withdrawn and some o its salient features were amalgamated into the original proposals of the committee, which were unanaminuously adopted _the Chairman and committee were re-elected.

Cricket & Football Fields

Northern Daily Telegraph - Wednesday 18 May 1892
At the annual general meeting of the members of the Everton Football Club, held last evening at Everton, it was unanimously resolved to form the club into a limited liability company, and the details of the constitution of the scheme was also settled.

Cricket and Football Field - Saturday 21 May 1892
By Richard Samuel
The general meeting of the Everton Club passed off as nice and as decorously as anyone could wish.  The only little bit of what I might call old feeling was thrown into the meeting by Mr. Crosswaite, who made an apology of criticizing or disputing the balance sheet, and this in face of the signature of one of our chartered accountants.  The game did not come off, and as Mr. Crosswaite said he had finished with the club, his action under the circumstances be excused, as it is generally understood that he is an interested and probably disappointed party in the club’s removal to Goodison-rd.  Afterwards there were several friendly questions asked and satisfactory replies given to one of two items in the balance sheet, which was ultimately approved of.  The company scheme was next on the carpet, and with a few modifications favourable to the present members, was adopted.  The scheme I consider is ell conceived and the details easily understood.  It really means that the present members will have something more substantial in the concern than a more members subscription, and in addition a share carries with it more advantage whilst the richer members have an opportunity of giving it their assistance.  The other powers in well defined, the maximum being two votes, and the signatories to the lease are effectually protected.  Just to show how the meeting went, I may mention that the officers were elected on bloc.. 

Athletic News - Monday 23 May 1892
By The Loiterer
The Everton F.C. meeting was held last Tuesday evening, when a large number of members were present.  Mr. Molyneux reported at some length on the progress of the club during the past season.  He regretted that they had not been so successful as in the previous season, and gave his reasons why the results had not been so satisfactory as anticipated.  The defection of Doyle and Brady was the first difficulty they had to contend with, and then there was the casualty list, which I gave a few weeks ago, the club in some of their matches being beaten by one goal only, so that it is reasonable to suppose that had they been able to play the full team a different result would have been arrived at.  These accidents to players certainty ought to be taken into consideration in gauging the merits of the team, but there were other causes which upset everyone connected with the club which happily are now out of the way. 
Mr. Mahon proved to be a capital chairman, and went at length into last season’s eventful history, dealing with each item in a clear and concise manner.  Coming to the items in the balance-sheet he was quite at home, and wound up by giving details of transactions which had since taken place with Mr. Houlding, and said he had received the balance due from Mr. Houlding, so that now they had quite cut themselves adrift from him.
There was only opposition from one quarter over the balance-sheet, but the gentleman soon collapsed and the meeting went on merrily afterwards, and eventually the report and balance-sheet was adopted unanimously.  The proposal to form the club into a limited liability company then came on for discussion, and with a variation in favour of the present members, the original proposition was adopted.  I have since received a provisional prospectus of the company, the capital of which is £3,500, divided into £2,500 ordinary shares at 1 pound, payable in six instalments of 2s 6d, each, this leaves 5s, per share to be called up as the directors may determine, and £100 Debenture Mortgage Bonds at £10, the latter to carry not more than 4 per cent., and to be repaid in annual installments.  The committee will act as provisional directors, and Mr. Molyneux is secretary pre tem.  The capital is not over large, but under ordinary circumstances will be sufficient to carry on the club. 
The resignation of the old members has only reached 35 and just to show the unanimity of the meeting, I may say that the election of officers, which for several years has taken an hour or two to decide, occupied about two minutes,. The whole of the present staff being elected en bloc. 

Cricket and Football Field - Saturday 28 May 1892
By Richard Samuel
Everything seems to be going on splendidly in connection with the Everton club, the Goodison-rd, enclosure being in a forward state, whilst the sports on Whit-Monday promise to be a big affair.  The club, though, are having some difficulty with Holt and Chadwick, and the two English Association.  It is an open secret that the two players were very much dissatisfied with their benefit match, which did not reach anything like the figure they were led to hope it would.  From figure they were led to hope it would.  From what Holt told me, whatever hope of a certain amount was held out or anything like a guarantee given was the work of a certain old member, but as he was then on the committee I suppose the present executive will have to stand by his action. 

Cricket and Football Field - Saturday 28 May 1892

  • Nearly all the shares of the Everton F.C are taken up
  • It is said that the gentleman who opposed the Everton balance sheet and then collapsed, has made a precipitous and ignominious flight.

Cricket and Football Field - Saturday 28 May 1892
Mr. Molyneux, the Everton secretary, says the following will play for Everton next season;-
Jardine and Williams, goalkeepers; Howarth, A. Chadwick, Collins and Coyle, backs; Kelso, Holt, Robertson, Jamieson, Jones and Campbell, half-backs; Latta, Geary, Maxwell, E. Chadwick, Milward, Gordon, Murray, Pinnell, McMillian, Elliott, and Smith, forwards.
Note – W.R. Clayton  4, Bixteth Street, Liverpool. Cycling - Saturday 28 May 1892